“Curiosity killed the cat” is an old proverb used to warn of the dangers of unnecessary investigation or experimentation. Should we, marketers, follow the old advice or actually just […]
Personas and cohorts are emerging as key elements in the B2B marketing puzzle, aiming at driving more relevant content and offers to the right customers, in […]
Occasionally, it happens I travel extensively, and in a very short timeframe. In the last four weeks I covered 68 thousand miles moving from Singapore to […]
In the cluttered space of marketing buzzwords, there is one that is driving me nut: “better”. Did you notice that the big advertising agencies, the same […]
It’s about 10-15 years there is a serious debate about customer experience. There is no luck of literature, studies, business cases, and recommendations. Yet, on average, […]
The common perception is that B2B it’s all about rational buyers and the ability to deliver a compelling value proposition supported by thought leadership, that the […]