Let’s play with numbers.
As in China the debate on air quality is propelling the discussion on healthy lifestyle from Government and Citizens, it is worth to assess the potential business of running.
Starting with the analysis Running & Business (Open Run, 2010 – covering 10 Countries around the world), and working with data such as GDP, population, number of marathons, numbers of runners who completed a marathon, we can make reasonable assumptions about the business associated to marathon events.
China in the next years could easily top 200 marathons with 2M runners every year. And create a business of 4.6B RMB out of it. A healthy business that has important side- effects:
- promote healthy lifestyle
- improve health conditions of a significant portion of the population, reduce stress
- foster personal leadership development
- create relationship opportunities for immigrants in large cities
- engage people in entertainment events, accessible to everybody
- attract both chines and international tourists
Challenging. But physically, culturally and financially rewarding. It’s about addressing the key levers to make it real: creating attractive and unforgettable events, exploit registrations, sponsorship, merchandising and finally indirect revenue from tourism activities.
If China do so, results won’t be disappointing. A straight message to my Chinese friends: green is a good slogan. Running can help make it more concrete.
Happy run, Happy Year of The Snake to my Chinese friends!